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Our Commitment to Privacy
Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Our Online Privacy Statement is designed to inform you about our online collection and use of personal information.

The Only Personal Information We Collect Online is that Information You Voluntarily Provide to Us.
The only information we collect about you online is information that you voluntarily provide to us either because you have requested us to process financial transactions for you or because you are seeking information or support from us. We only receive personal information as a result of consumers' financial transactions to purchase services or product or if you email us for support or help.

When we collect information directly from consumers, we will obtain only the information that is needed to provide our goods or services, such as credit card billing information and shipping address, so that we can provide customer service and to fulfill any legal or regulatory requirements. When we obtain information about consumers from third parties, such as to verify that you are the authorized credit card user, we use only reputable sources, including public repositories.

The information we collect may include, but is not limited to, your name, account numbers, billing and shipping address, or e-mail address, and other bankcard information. If you supply us with personal information on this web site, you will only be contacted so that we can provide you with the service or information you have requested or to occasionally send you other information about this membership, such as in the event we may need to change your password or if we have a question about your DVD order.

We Do NOT Maintain Mailing Lists Of Any Kind, Period.

When You Browse our Website, You Do So Without Revealing Your Identity.
Our members area services use cookies - which are identification files that track your web browsing activity – but this is only to track your user session so that we know only you are using your username and password and not someone else. This is essential to protect against hackers who try to access the member area of our website for free.

Personal information, such as your e-mail address, is not collected, unless you provide it to us. We do not disclose domain name or aggregate information to third parties other than vendors who assist us with our web site, such as our secure payment processors, and who also follow strict confidentiality requirements.

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